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    Name Approval Resembling Trademark

    Posted By : Damini / Published on : 17-Jul-2020 07:52 AM / View : 258 / Comment : 2

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    We are applying for a name and it has trademark registered. Is there any way to convince CRC to approve the name, may be by attaching explanation or something?
    Read more on : trademark resembling approval name

    • Reach out to me at 9899195436

      31-03-2023 / 10:48:00 AM
    • If the name you are proposing for your company has a registered trademark, the Registrar of Companies (ROC) may reject the name application as it could be considered as an infringement of the trademark. However, you may be able to convince the Central Registration Centre (CRC) to approve the name by providing an explanation or justification along with the application.

      You can attach an explanation or justification letter stating the reasons why the use of the name will not infringe the registered trademark. The letter should clearly explain the nature of your business and how it differs from the business of the trademark owner. You can also provide evidence of how the use of the name is unlikely to cause confusion or deceive customers.

      It is important to note that the CRC has the final decision on whether to approve or reject a name application. While attaching an explanation or justification letter may increase the chances of approval, it is not a guarantee. It is also advisable to consult a legal expert for guidance on the potential risks and legal implications of using a name that has a registered trademark.

      31-03-2023 / 10:48:13 AM
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