Hello Professionals
What Documentary evidence for transfer of shares to be attached while doing Foreign Currency Transfer means do I need to attach a share certificate or share transfer deed?
Hello Professionals
Which extract of the Annual Return is required to be attached to Board’s
report in terms of Section 134 (3)(a) of the Companies Act, 2014. Last year’s
Annual Return which has been filed with ROC or current year’s Annual Return, which is yet to be filed with ROC.
Hello friends
Any person assets (who is head of some other organizations) can be attached in exercising the powers under Sections 337 & 339 of the Companies Act, 2013.
Dear All,
In some of the Form MGT-7s filed last year, UDIN details NOT attached to Form MGT-7, will it have repercussions ?
Dear Collegians,
Whether DIR 2 consent to act as a director is to be attached with spice form
Dear Sir,
Please Share
Draft format of documents attached with Form MSME-1
Thanking you
Whether Form DIR-2 & Form INC-9 is required to be attached for incorporation application SPICE+?
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