Regarding the disclosure of outstanding unsecured loans from external parties other than Directors, promoters, and their relatives, for a private company that has held these loans for several years, could you please clarify the appropriate section in DPT-03 where these loans should be disclosed?
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In case of listed companies, is it compulsory to file a Return with
Registrar wherein the promoters’ stake changes ?
Dear Members,
In the case of Listed companies, It is compulsory to file any change in the stake of the promoter or promoter group under the LODR Regulations.
Is there any similar requirement in case of other companies as well under the Companies Act, 2013?
Dear All
Kindly provide your views on the below-mentioned query.
A listed company is proposing to issue and offer share warrants to the Promoter group on a preferential allotment basis. As per the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, the proposed item is required to be passed by way of special resolution. Whether shareholders belonging to ‘Promoter Group’ to whom share warrants shall be issued can vote in the special resolution?
If not, can the promoter shareholders other than those to whom share
warrants shall be offered can vote in the said special resolution?
What are the promoters in the Company Act of 2013?
Dear Members,
A Company was taken over by Foreign Company during FY 2018-19, While in process It has instructed promoter Directors of the Indian company to sell out certain assets of the company and out of such sale proceeds share the profits among promoter directors as an incentive.
After the sale, it has transferred the incentives to Promoter Directors on 2 different dates.
But there is no approval of Board or Shareholders. Book entries have been made and the Company has transferred the funds.
Further, the company made profits during such financial year.
Please suggest, which meetings to be passed to record the aforesaid transaction
Hi All!
Kindly guide me on how can we distinguish between the terms "promoter" and "non-promoter" for the purpose of showing their shareholding in Form MGT-7?
Can a Private Limited Company issue convertible warrants to its Promoters Directors?
If yes. Whether there are any provisions similar to Regulation 75 & Regulation 77 of the SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2009, regarding tenure of convertible securities and Payment of consideration which are applicable to Private Limited Company?