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    Types of Trademarks and how to register it?

    Posted By : Disha / Published on : 20-Apr-2023 06:34 AM / View : 201 / Comment : 1

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    What are different types of trademarks that may be registered in India?
    Read more on : register trademarks types

    • In India, the following types of trademarks can be registered:

      1. Wordmark: A wordmark is a type of trademark that includes only words or a combination of words, letters, and numerals. Examples of wordmarks include Coca-Cola, Nike, and Google.

      2. Device mark: A device mark includes any graphical representation or design element that represents the brand. Examples of device marks include the Apple logo, the Mercedes-Benz logo, and the Twitter bird.

      3. Combination mark: A combination mark is a trademark that includes a combination of word and design elements. Examples of combination marks include the Pepsi logo, the Adidas logo, and the Mastercard logo.

      4. Service mark: A service mark is a trademark that is used to identify and distinguish services provided by a business, rather than physical goods. Examples of service marks include American Express, FedEx, and Mastercard.

      5. Collective mark: A collective mark is a trademark that is used by a group of individuals or organizations to identify their products or services. Examples of collective marks include CA (Chartered Accountants) and ICICI (Institution of Chartered Accountants of India).

      6. Certification mark: A certification mark is a type of trademark that is used by an organization to certify the quality, origin, or other characteristics of goods or services. Examples of certification marks include ISI (Indian Standards Institute) and FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India).

      7. Shape mark: A shape mark is a trademark that is used to identify goods based on their unique shape. Examples of shape marks include the Coca-Cola bottle and the Toblerone chocolate bar.

      8. Sound mark: A sound mark is a type of trademark that is used to identify goods or services based on a unique sound. Examples of sound marks include the Nokia ringtone and the MGM lion roar.

      It is also possible to register a color or a combination of colors as a trademark in India, but it can be a complex process as the Trademark Registry has strict criteria for color trademarks.

      20-04-2023 / 08:57:43 AM
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