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    Industrial Activity Code Required Urgent

    Posted By : Kamal / Published on : 24-Dec-2021 11:54 AM / View : 1208 / Comment : 0

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    I had putten 74. It got rejected

    Please provide with Industrial Activity Code Required for below object,

    To carry on in India or abroad the business of establishing, commissioning, setting up, operating and maintaining electric power transmission systems/networks, power systems, generating stations based on conventional/ non-conventional resources for evacuation, transmission, distribution, trading or supply of power through establishing or using stations, tie-lines, sub-stations and transmission or distribution lines in any manner including build, own and transfer (BOT), and/or build, own and operate (BOO) and/or build, own, lease and transfer (BOLT) and/or build, own, operate and transfer (BOOT) basis or otherwise ,and to acquire in any manner power transmission systems/networks, power systems, generation stations, tie-lines, sub-stations and transmission or distribution systems from State Electricity Boards, Vidyut Boards, Power Utilities, Generating Companies, Transmission Companies, Distribution Companies, Central or State Government Undertakings, Licensees, other local authorities or statutory bodies, other captive or independent power producers and distributors and to do all the ancillary , related or connected activities as may be considered necessary or beneficial or desirable for or along with any or all of the aforesaid purposes which can be conveniently carried on these systems, networks or platforms and object of dealing in any kind of power or electrical energy using coal lignite petroleum products or any other substances wind energy solar energy renewable energy wave energy tidal energy hydro energy thermal energy or any other form of energy and any products or byproducts derived from any such business of energy and to set up power plants wind turbines power stations hydel power station solar energy systems renewable energy systems or any other facility to generate power.
    Read more on : urgent required code activity industrial

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