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    Approval date and signing date of financials

    Posted By : Sohil / Published on : 16-Jul-2022 06:49 AM / View : 590 / Comment : 2

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    Dear Members,

    Is date of Board meeting for approval and signing date of financials are same?
    Read more on : date financials signing approval

    • @slither io No, the date of the board meeting for approval and the signing date of the financials are usually not the same, but they are very close. Here's the breakdown:

      • Board Meeting Approval: This happens first. The board of directors reviews and approves the financial statements during a designated board meeting.
      • Signing of Financials: After approval, authorized representatives (like directors or the CFO) sign the financial statements. This can happen:
        • On the same day: In many cases, for simplicity and record-keeping, the signing happens on the same date as the board meeting approval.
        • Shortly after: Sometimes, there might be a slight delay between approval and signing, to allow for final formatting or other administrative tasks.

      Key Point: The signing date must always be after the board meeting approval date. The financials cannot be officially signed until they are approved by the board.

      16-04-2024 / 02:46:49 AM
    • @download lagu No, the date of the board meeting for approval and the signing date of the financials are usually not the same, but they are very close. Here's the breakdown:

      • Board Meeting Approval: This happens first. The board of directors reviews and approves the financial statements during a designated board meeting.
      • Signing of Financials: After approval, authorized representatives (like directors or the CFO) sign the financial statements. This can happen:
        • On the same day: In many cases, for simplicity and record-keeping, the signing happens on the same date as the board meeting approval.
        • Shortly after: Sometimes, there might be a slight delay between approval and signing, to allow for final formatting or other administrative tasks.
      01-06-2024 / 01:28:14 PM
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