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    Exceeded Investment limit of 186

    Posted By : damini / Published on : 20-Jan-2020 11:34 AM / View : 523 / Comment : 2

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    A company has exceeded the Section 186 limit for (c) acquire by way of subscription, purchase or otherwise, the securities of any other body corporate, and this investment was made before Companies Act, 2013 in the year 2010, What can be the remedy to comply with the provision of 186 of Companies Act, 2013 now?
    Read more on : limit investment exceeded

    • Dear Member,

      According to section 186, if company exceeds the limit priscribed in the section then, prior approval is reqiuired by shareholder.

      In your case since, approval from shareholder is not taken, you may call for the shareholder meeting and take approval now and also mention about the investment already made. This approval will be in the form of rectification.

      21-01-2020 / 05:31:13 AM
    • If a company has already exceeded the limit prescribed under Section 186(c) of the Companies Act, 2013 for making an investment in another body corporate, the company cannot cure this violation retroactively.

      FURTHER, for making investments in other body corporates, there are a few options available to the company to comply with the provisions of the Act:

      1. Regularization of investment: The company can regularize the investment made before the Companies Act, 2013 by complying with the provisions of the Act. The company can do this by passing a special resolution in the general meeting of shareholders, which should be passed by a majority of not less than three-fourths of the total votes cast by shareholders. The resolution should specify the total amount up to which the company is authorized to make the investment and the specific body corporate in which the investment is to be made.

      2. Disinvestment: The company can also comply with the provisions of the Act by disinvesting or reducing its investment in the other body corporate. This can be done by selling the securities of the body corporate to third parties or by getting the body corporate to buy back the securities.

      3. Seeking approval from the Central Government: If the investment has already been made and the limit prescribed under Section 186 has been exceeded, the company can seek approval from the Central Government to continue with the investment. The company will need to make an application to the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) along with the relevant documents and justification for the investment.

        It is important to note that the special resolution should mention the specific details of the investment made, the amount of excess investment, and the steps taken by the company to regularize the excess investment. The resolution should also state that the investment was made in good faith and for the benefit of the company.

      19-04-2023 / 10:56:42 AM
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