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    Filing of consolidated Financial Statements

    Posted By : C S / Published on : 23-Oct-2024 01:20 PM / View : 117 / Comment : 5

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    Subsidiary Company AGM was held on 30.09.2024 and Holding Company AGM was held on 24.09.2024. Therefore, the last date for filing AOC-4 XBRL for holding company is 23.10.2024. However, the AOC-4 XBRL for Holding company is not yet filed. So i can't mention SRN of Subsidiary Company AOC-4 in consolidated XBRL. Please let me know what is the solution. Whether i can put Z9999999 as SRN?
    Read more on : filing consolidated financial statements

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      19-12-2024 / 09:54:49 AM
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