Hi Everyone!
Is it possible to file the Unaudited Financial Statements of a Company, if yes, whether there is any option to file the Audited Financial Statements after filing of Unaudited Financials ?
Hello Professionals !
Is separate audited financial statements of subsidiaries, associates, and joint ventures of the Company required to be placed on the website?
Hi Everyone!
If a Company has a subsidiary only till 31st March and on the same day sells its shareholding to get away from having subsidiary company. Do the company still requires to maintain consolidated financial statement for that financial year ?
Dear All,
What are the provisions with respect to signing of financial statements under the Companies Act, 2013
Dear All,
What are the provisions with respect to signing of financial statements under the Companies Act, 2013?
Please confirm format is ok or required any changes?
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Is it mandatory to disclose information related to registered office address, website, phone no. and email on audited financial statements?
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Who all are required to prepare consolidated financial statements?
Are standalone financial statements of the subsidiaries/
associates/ joint venture required to be attached with the Board’s
Are standalone financial statements of the subsidiaries/
associates/ joint venture required to be attached with the Board’s
Dear Professionals,
Salient features of financial statements i.e. AOC 1 of the
Associates and Joint Ventures – is this required to be attached to
the Board’s report/financial statements?
Salient features of financial statements of the subsidiaries – is
this required to be attached to the Board’s report/financial