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    Portfolio Management Service

    Posted By : Sohil / Published on : 23-Mar-2023 03:59 AM / View : 363 / Comment : 1

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    Dear All,

    What is the difference between discretionary portfolio management service and non-discretionary portfolio management service?
    Read more on : service management portfolio

    • Discretionary portfolio management service (DPMS) and non-discretionary portfolio management service (NDPMS) are two different types of portfolio management services offered by investment management companies.

      Discretionary portfolio management service is a type of portfolio management service where the portfolio manager has the authority to make investment decisions on behalf of the client without seeking prior consent for each investment decision. The portfolio manager takes into consideration the client's investment objectives, risk tolerance, and other factors, and makes investment decisions accordingly. The client has limited control over the investment decisions made by the portfolio manager.

      On the other hand, non-discretionary portfolio management service is a type of portfolio management service where the portfolio manager provides investment advice to the client, but the final investment decision is made by the client. In this case, the portfolio manager provides investment ideas and recommendations to the client based on the client's investment objectives, risk tolerance, and other factors, but the client has complete control over the investment decisions.

      In summary, the main difference between discretionary and non-discretionary portfolio management services is the level of control the client has over the investment decisions.

      31-03-2023 / 11:50:48 AM
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