Are there any tax advantages or disadvantages associated with the holding company structure?
Click here to view / answer Share it onAre there any tax advantages or disadvantages associated with the holding company structure?
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How to ensure audit trail and time stamping during the maintenance of SDD? Does it have to be fetched automatically on a real time basis or can the same be done manually?
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Which all entities are required to maintain Structured Digital Database?
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What are the guiding points to devise an internal SOP for capturing information in the SDD in case of a listed entity or intermediaries?
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What is the typical structure of directors (or family management structure) and liability issues for companies in your jurisdiction?
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Our company is engaged in Infrastructure Projects
Can our company issue Debentures for a tenure of 25 years?
Which documents are required to be uploaded in case of Refund above 2 Lacs under Inverted Tax structure. Whether GSTR 2A and Auditor CErtificate is also to be attatched by Scanning
Click here to view / answer Share it onIs acceptance of money under Money Circulation/Multi-level Marketing/Pyramid structured schemes allowed? Does RBI regulates such schemes?
Click here to view / answer Share it onDear Members, Whether the company engaged in Infrastructure with turnover 250 crores is required to appoint cost auditor.
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