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    Posted By : Ekta / Published on : 24-Sep-2021 07:42 AM / View : 752 / Comment : 1

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    Hello All,

    There were three foreign Directors in a Company who left in middle because of some conflicts with Indian Directors. There DINs are deactivated and therefore, the Company is not able to file Form DIR-12 for their removal from the records as the DINs will not get pre filled.

    The are not ready to provide documents and OTP either to file the KYC. How can we remove them? Please help.
    Read more on : director foreign deactivation

    • If the DINs of the foreign directors have been deactivated, the company will not be able to file Form DIR-12 for their removal from the records as the deactivated DINs will not be pre-filled in the form. In such a case, the company may file the Form DIR-12 manually with the Registrar of Companies (ROC) by attaching the necessary documents and information.

      The company will have to file the following documents along with the Form DIR-12 for the removal of the foreign directors from the records:

      1. Copy of the board resolution passed for the removal of the foreign directors.
      2. Copy of the intimation sent to the foreign directors about their removal and their response (if any).
      3. Copy of the resignation letter submitted by the foreign directors (if any).
      4. Copy of the relevant pages of the company's register of directors.

      Once the ROC approves the Form DIR-12, the names of the foreign directors will be removed from the company's records. The company may also consider appointing new directors in place of the foreign directors to ensure compliance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013.

      31-03-2023 / 10:50:08 AM
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