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    Format for consent

    Posted By : Sohil / Published on : 11-Apr-2023 04:19 AM / View : 432 / Comment : 1

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    Dear All,

    Any one have latest format for consent of buyer and seller which is required to attach with form FCTRS?
    Read more on : consent format

    • The format for consent of buyer and seller required to be attached with Form FCTRS may vary based on the specific requirements of the jurisdiction in which the transaction is taking place. It is recommended to check the guidelines and requirements issued by the relevant regulatory authority in your jurisdiction to ensure that the latest format is used.

      In India, for instance, the format for the consent of buyer and seller to be attached with Form FCTRS is prescribed by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). As per the RBI's guidelines, the consent of the buyer and seller needs to be provided on a plain paper or on the letterhead of the buyer/seller, as per the format given in the Annexure of the FCTRS notification.

      The format for the consent of buyer and seller in India generally includes details such as the name and address of the buyer and seller, the nature of the transaction, the amount involved in the transaction, and a declaration of the buyer and seller stating that they have complied with all applicable laws and regulations.

      12-04-2023 / 10:01:08 AM
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