Thanks! for your response. By your words, it's appeared that the promoters or other persons and group companies would not access the primary market.
In general sense, Securities market means the market which facilitates you to exchange your securities of any form in a market, be it primary or secondary market. May I know the meaning of 'securities market' in the given case?
If a company get compulsory delisted by recognised stock exchange and the master data on hashtag#MCA website still shown letter 'L'
Q: What the status will be listed or Un-listed for the purposes of the Companies Act 2013?
Q) Is it need to do compliance with listing regulations?
Is there any concept of 'deemed acceptance of an offer' proposed to the equity shareholders for exit option in case of compulsory delisted by BSE?
The company got compulsory delisted by BSE. However, the CIN is being shown as listed on master data. hashtag.
Is the appointment of Company Secretary will also be as a Compliance officer?
Is there any professional dealing with the compulsory delisting of securities?
Can an LLP seek a loan, either secured or unsecured, from an Individual?
It means:-
The issuer cannot make a public issue or rights issue of specified securities if:
(i) the issuer, any of its promoters, promoter group, directors or persons in control of the issuer are debarred from accessing the capital market by SEBI; or
(ii) any of the promoters, directors or persons in control of the issuer are or were a promoter, director or person in control of any other company which is debarred from accessing the capital market under any order or direction made by SEBI. See Regulation 4(2) of SEBI (ICDR) Regulations, 2009.