Dear Professionals,
- As you are aware that, exemption and passing criteria w.r.t. proficiency test to become Independent Director (ID) has been recently amended by Ministry. The amendment, by way of relaxation, mainly brought in criteria to be ID without passing proficiency test and in criteria to pass the proficiency test.
- To understand the above amendment with its impact and to resolve various queries raised from many professionals, please refer to an Interpretative Analysis through following link:
Dear All,
Sub : Companies Act 2013-- Amendments and Relaxation granted through Circulars extending the time of various form/ return filing and compliance
Please find detailed amendment given by MCA under the Companies Act 2013 with extension of timelines till 31 Dec 2020 for various compliances under the Companies Act, 2013. Copies of all Circulars and Notifications are as attached.
1. Circular No. 30/ 2020 dt 28092020====Extension of Companies Fresh Start Scheme, 2020 (CFSS 2020)
2. Circular No. 31/ 2020 dt 28092020===== Extension of LLP Settlement Scheme, 2020
3. Circular No. 32/ 2020 dt 28092020===== Scheme for relaxation of time for filing forms related to creation or modification of charges under the Companies Act, 2013
4. Circular No. 33/ 2020 dt 28092020====Allowing conducting of EGM through VC or Other Audio Visual Means
5. Notification No. G.S.R. 590(E) dt 28092020 ====Extending the time upto which the companies can conduct Board meetings through VC or Other Audio Visual Means
6. Notification No. G.S.R. 589(E)dt 28092020====Extending the time within which Independent Directors can register themselves on databank maintained by IICA
Further please note that the Companies (Amendment) Bill , 2020 was passed in Lok Sabha on 17th Sept 2020 and in Rajya Sabha on 22nd Sept 2020 has now received the assent of President of India on 28th Sept, 2020 and now it has become the Companies ( Amendment ) Act , 2020 . Few synopsis of CAA 2020 is as attached for your ready perusal.
How will the company seek information from various persons about SBOs ?