Hello, is it necessary for the AIF-fund to appoint a Compliance Officer upon the launch of the fund or upon the SEBI registration date?"
Click here to view / answer Share it onAs per a recent circular from MCA, every LLP is required to appoint a Designated Partner with respect to beneficial interest.
My question is whether we are required to file Form MGT-14 for both Public and Private Companies, given that there is no compulsion to file such forms.
Could someone provide the EGM/AGM resolution for the appointment of a Director above 70 years of age for a private limited company?
Click here to view / answer Share it onThe appointment of a director who is a resident or citizen of China to a company's board of directors typically involves several steps and considerations, depending on the jurisdiction and the specific company's requirements including DIN Clearance from MHA.
As per the Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Rules, 2014, individuals who are citizens of the aforementioned neighboring countries require approval from the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) before they can obtain a DIN and become directors in Indian companies.
Hi Folks!
In case of appointment of Alternate Director, whether the Master Data of the Company reflects the Original Director too ?
If shareholders cannot appoint the Statutory auditors in General Meeting, then who will will appoint the auditors?
When it is required to file form ADT-2 ?
Click here to view / answer Share it onWhen there is an appointment of a new director due to the death of a director, how should we inform the Registrar of Companies (ROC) about the changes, and which form needs to be filed?
Click here to view / answer Share it onWhat are the documents required to file ADT-1?
Click here to view / answer Share it onHello Professionals
A private company is not required to appoint an independent director,
whereas Section 135(1) states that the CSR Committee should have at least
one independent director. Do private companies need to appoint an
independent director to comply with this section?
Hi Everyone!
Do the Company required to appoint internal auditor if the outstanding loans or borrowings of the Company from banks or public financial institutions is one hundred crore rupees ?
Dear All,
Can a auditor be appointed for the tenure of less than 5 years in the Annual General Meeting of the Private Company? If yes, is there any exemption notification of MCA for private Company?