I have filed the FCTRS (Foreign Currency Transfer of Shares) form with the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). Recently, I received a query requesting non-trade advice from the bank. What steps should I take to respond to this query effectively?
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How does the Reserve Bank of India discharge its statutory obligation of being a 'Banker to Government'?
Hello Professionals
In accordance with Rule 9A of the companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014, How can a name that has been reserved using Spice+ Part A be extended?
Hi Professionals!
In case of adjustment to reserves, will the adjustment be made “net of tax basis”.
Capital reserve arise due to de merger of company . can we treat this capital reserve as part of free reserve . Whether capital reserve is part of free reserve .
Dear Members
Please Suggest:
I have submitted RUN-LLP (Reserve Unique Name-LLP) [Post login service] on MCA Portal.
Amount Deducted but no confirmation received.
Neither SRN is showing under "Track SRN" Tab.
Please advise.
Dear Friends
One of our Client Company has a huge sum lying in their General reserve Account and now they want to utilize this amount without declaring any dividend for the Current Year.So please suggest the possible ways through which they can utilize this general reserve Amount. Please refer section and rule applicability also.
How to get the name of the Company modified/changed prior to incorporation whose name is already reserved by approval of RUN ?
Click here to view / answer Share it onDear Users, I filed Form for Reservation of name BUT Unfortunately it was rejected. Then i tried to claim refund through Refund form but there is error like" Invalid SRN". I Also Inquired from MCA Helpdesk but As per their Instruction same error there. Kindly State Your Views or Suggestion for Refund.
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