What does Form TM-R denotes under Trademark?
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Are Relief/Savings Bonds also Government securities? Does the G S Act and the G S Regulations apply to them as well?
Hello Professionals!
How does the Reserve Bank of India discharge its statutory obligation of being a 'Banker to Government'?
Hello Professional
In the Challan, there are terms like Income-tax on companies & Income-tax other than companies. What do they mean?
Dear Members,
If I want to start a Company for only dealing in shares (not Investment), will it be termed as non-deposit taking NBFC ?
Please advise.
Dear Members,
Please let me know if there is no provision in AOA of the Company for Right issue of shares In such case, whether we have to first amend AOA of the company before issue of shares under rights issue basis. Please share under which provision it is prescribed.
Dear Members,
Please let me know if there is no provision in AOA of the Company for issue of ESOP. In such case, whether we have to first amend AOA of the company before issue of ESOP. Please share under which provision it is prescribed.
If the borrower is a Private Limited Company having common directors/ members then by using this section can we give a loan?
I have incorporated a Nidhi Company and now post incorporation compliance begins.
As Nidhi Company has to open current accounts with their depositors, how practically its possible and does Nidhi Company's banker plays any role in it ?
Will the X Company will be an affiliate of Y Company if Y Company holds 50% shares in X Company ?
Companies Act and LODR doesn't define the term affiliate.
Request to accord views please.
What are the implications as per the IT acts and company acts, if a company doesn't want to charge depreciation? Will the IT department allow a non charging of depreciation?
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