Hello everyone,
Would an ISD require to obtain registration for each state?
Hello Everyone,
What is the typical structure of directors (or family management structure) and liability issues for companies in your jurisdiction?
Dear Members,
If shares are registered on the name of Mr.A ( registered Owner) in Regsiter of Members, and beneficial interest in held by Mr. B ( beneficial owner) then income tax payment is to be made by whom on dividend amount, Mr. A or Mr. B, please suggest.
Thanks in Advance.
Will the shareholding of the relatives also be considered in determining the SBOs?
Click here to view / answer Share it onWhat are the ways through which a natural person can be an SBO by virtue of holding?
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Dear Members,
Can anyone please confirm whether Weblink of annual return has to be provided in the boards report or not, if the private company having website doing actively online business, even if i am attaching MGT-9 with the boards report.
Dear Members,
Please let me know if we have to surrender PAN and TAN since the company is under liquidaiton process with the NCLT, Delhi Bench.
What will be the process for this.