Hi All
An Acquirer has made a public announcement of an open offer to acquire the shares of the target company, and the acquirer intends to delist the company post-takeover.
Whether the acquirer has to mandatorily disclose the intention of delisting the securities in the public announcement?
Hi Members!
What is the procedure to Convert an OPC to a Private Company?
What Forms will be required to be filed and what are the due dates for filing such forms?
Please share!
Hi All
Whether the provisions related to the Disqualification of Directors as provided in the Companies Act, 2013 applicable to the Designated Partners of the LLP?
If yes, then how the same shall be applied to the Partners?
Hi Members!
Is there any declaration required in case a merger or amalgamation is taking place between an Indian company and a company or body corporate has been incorporated in a country that shares a land border with India?
Hi All
What is the due date to intimate the ROC for change in the situation of the registered office of the company?
In case the subscriber to the memorandum is a foreign national
residing outside India, his signatures and address, etc. shall be
witnessed by a Notary Public/Embassy/Consulate offices of
Embassies as per the Rule 13 of the Companies (Incorporation)
Rules, 2014.
In such cases, how can the DSC of such a witness be affixed?
Hi All,
What are the consequences of the Non-Filing of Form MSME-1 with the RoC?
Could you also please help me out with what details are mandatorily required to be filled in?
A UK Ltd (Registered in the UK) was holding 25% holding in B Ltd (registered in India).
Now ownership of A UK Ltd was transferred to C UK Ltd.
Therefore there is an indirect change of beneficiary ownership of B Ltd ( registered in India)
Is there any FEMA filing requirement in RBI by B Ltd or A UK Ltd?
Hi Arun!
Section 188(1) enlists the various transactions which when undertaken with a related party shall require the consent of the Board of Directors by way of a resolution at a meeting of the Board. However, third proviso to sub-section (1) of section 188 states that nothing stated therein shall apply to any transactions entered into by the company in its ordinary course of business other than transactions which are not on an arm’s length basis.
Hence, it may be concluded that the passing of a Board resolution is not necessary in case of related party transactions occurring at arm’s length basis. However, as a good practice the board may note and approve such a related party transaction. Further, there are additional compliances (beyond the Act) for listed companies, and the same must be complied with as applicable.