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    Rule 16(2)(f) of the companies (incorporation) rules 2014

    Posted By : KAMAL / Published on : 20-Apr-2023 09:42 AM / View : 497 / Comment : 1

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    Re-submission-(f) if the body corporate is a company, certified true copy of the board resolution specifying inter alia the authorization to subscribe to the memorandum of association of the proposed company and to make investment in the proposed company, the number of shares proposed to be subscribed by the body corporate, and the name, address and designation of the person authorized to subscribe to the Memorandum;

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    Read more on : rules incorporation companies 162f rule

    • requirements for a body corporate that is a company to subscribe to the memorandum of association of another proposed company and make an investment in it.

      In such a case, the body corporate would need to provide a certified true copy of a board resolution that authorizes the company to subscribe to the memorandum of association of the proposed company and make an investment in it.

      The resolution should also specify the number of shares proposed to be subscribed by the body corporate and provide the name, address, and designation of the person authorized to subscribe to the memorandum on behalf of the company.

      21-04-2023 / 10:48:37 AM
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