Hello Professionals
In terms of Section 73 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 2(1)(c)(vii) of Companies (Terms and conditions of acceptance of Deposit) Rules, 2014, deposits do not include receipt of money from Director of the Company, but the money received from a member is treated as a deposit. In case the deposit is taken from a person who is both a director and a member of the Company, will such receipt of money be treated as a deposit or not?
In terms of Section 73 of Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 2(1)(c)(vii) of Companies (Terms and conditions of acceptance of Deposit) Rules, 2014, deposits do not include receipt of money from Director of the Company, but money received from a member is treated as deposit. In case deposit is taken from a person who is both a director and a member of the Company, will such receipt of money be treated as deposit or not?
Click here to view / answer Share it onHello Professionals!
What is the meaning of deposits held in the same capacity and same right and deposits held in different capacity and different right?
Whether advance taken from customers by real estate company on which no interest has been paid will be treated as advance or deposit as per the Companies Act, 2013?
Click here to view / answer Share it onWhether advance taken from customers by real estate company on which no interest has been paid will be treated as advance or deposit as per the Companies Act, 2013?
Click here to view / answer Share it onWhether advance taken from customers by real estate company on which no interest has been paid will be treated as advance or deposit as per the Companies Act, 2013?
Click here to view / answer Share it onDear All,
What is the difference between acceptance of money by Chit Funds and acceptance of deposits?
Dear Friends,
Is Public fund and public deposits same for NBFC
Hello Friends!
Whether declaration by Auditor is mandatory to be submitted in Form DPT-3 ?
Dear Members!
Are deposits in different banks separately insured?
Dear Members,
Amounts received by private companies from their members,
directors or their relatives were not treated as 'deposits' under section
58A of the Companies Act, 1956.
What shall be the status of the amounts received prior to 1st April 2014 as
regards treating them as deposits?
Dear All,
Can a Private Company accept deposits from its members without
complying with the provisions applicable to deposits?