Hi Everyone!
If an individual does not hold majority stake in the member company of the reporting company, whether filing of BEN-2 is applicable or not?
Hi Professionals!!
In case of Construction Contracts, builders remit taxes on receipt of payment or completion of slabs as provided in the contract. What will the impact due to change in the tax rates?
Hello Everyone
Person as a Nominee Director of the Company can be summoned for offences in respect of Sections 128, 129, 448 read with Section 447 of the Companies Act, 2013, without any specific allegations against him in Investigation report?
As Balance sheet prepared on Accrual Basis and also accounting is done on that basis so it shall be on Accrual basis only.
Dear Members,
Please clarify the following query in respect of section 8 company"
1. INC-14 declaration by professionals : has to be in practice, It can be signed by PCA OR PCS ?
2.INC-15 Declaration by person named in articles. it has to be signed by directors
does these both above mentioned forms have to be on stamp paper it can be on plain white paper?
3. 3 years projected income & expenditure & statement of assets & liabilities -format which is specailly made for section 8 company.
Dear Members,
A director was appointed on 15.11.2021 as additional director;and financial for the year ended on 31.03.2021 was put before the BOD on 07.10.2021 whereas he was not director , we are holding AGM on 30.11.2021 and in notice of AGM it was not covered to regularise him( as the same was approved on 7.10.2021 before his appointment)....can we issue supplementary notice specifying the regularisation of director and file form DIR-12 ???
Dear All,
In one of my company the paid-up capital is 1,00,000/- with 50:50 holding by two directors.
At the time of opening of bank account, one of the director's shares has been deposited from his husband's account, not from Director own account.
So in that case can i file INC-20A
Please guide me on this.
Dear All,
Can we use a mobile bill instead of an electricity bill for the address proof of the company?
Dear All,
We are filing ADT-1 for appointment of first auditor in our first Board meeting of the Company, in that case in which period we have to mention in :
Date of Incorporation is 27/06/2021
Date of Board Meeting is 22/07/2021
Which Period of account for which appointment is in case of first auditor ?
It should be 27/06/2021 to 31/03/2022 or other ?
Please guide me on this.
Dear All,
In our Private Limited Company we have outstanding loans from directors as on 31/03/2020 but did not file DPT-3 One time return and annual return for the financial year 2019-2020.
Now can I directly file FORM DPT-3 Annual return for the Financial Year 2020-2021 or I need to file ONE TIME RETURN and ANNUAL RETURN both for the Financial Year 2020-2021.
And what will be the consequences if I do not file DPT-3 for FY 2019-20, or shall I file on today's date with late fees.
Please advise.
Dear friends,
Is it mandatory to update the details of the company for DGFT portal during April to June every year?
Even if there is no activity in the company. Pl enlighten .
with regards
Dear Members,
Kindly help me with the process of Rectification of Omission of any particular in respect of modification of Charge.