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    what can be registered as Trademark?

    Posted By : Disha / Published on : 24-Apr-2023 05:46 AM / View : 329 / Comment : 1

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    What can be registered as a trademark in India?
    Read more on : trademark registered

    • Right question. Many are gets confused when its come to Registartion of Brand. any word, name, symbol, device, label, or combination thereof can be registered as a trademark, if it distinguishes the goods or services of one person from those of others and is capable of being represented graphically.

      A trademark can be registered for goods, services, or both. The trademark can be in the form of a logo, brand name, tagline, or any other distinctive feature that can identify and distinguish the goods or services of one person from those of others.

      However, there are certain restrictions on the registration of trademarks in India. A trademark that is similar or identical to an existing registered trademark, a trademark that is likely to deceive the public, or a trademark that is contrary to law or morality cannot be registered. further, a trademark that is generic or descriptive of the goods or services cannot be registered, unless it has acquired distinctiveness through use.

      25-04-2023 / 06:50:09 AM
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