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    Affirmative Vote

    Posted By : Sachin / Published on : 24-Jul-2021 12:58 PM / View : 880 / Comment : 0

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    Dear Members

    Please guide me on below:-

    1. How does affirmative vote works?
    2. When transactions related to affirmative vote is placed either in board or gm how same has to be dealt with?
    3. How affirmative vote should be taken:-

    a.prior to meeting in separate writing
    b. During the meeting itself

    4. Whether noting of affirmative vote needs to be done in minutes?
    5. When 2 people are given affirmative vote and one is in favor and one is against then how to overcome deadlock.
    6. What is role of board and in gm of other members in affirmative vote transactions.
    7. And few transactions mentioned are normally not required to be approved by board or members then how same should be dealt with.

    Thanks in anticipation
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