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    Suggestion on form of business Entity -

    Posted By : Sachin / Published on : 30-Jan-2021 02:04 PM / View : 401 / Comment : 0

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    Dear Members,

    The foreign company want to set up its R&D center in India (no sales or purchase in India)

    Mainly they required the followings
    1. Parent company will bear all expenses of R&D and take that R&D without any billings or further payments.

    2. All employees/students will provide their skills for developing with the foreign company will support for same and remunerate them.

    3. Foreign company does not want any billing system

    Plz note the above entity mainly not intend to earn profit just to support Indian students they agreed but they don't want more legal consequences and hurdles for the same

    Kindly suggest type of business to be set-up
    Read more on : entity business form suggestion

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