Is there any reference in Chennai for obtaining an NBA (National Biodiversity Authority) certificate required for the grant of a Patent?
Click here to view / answer Share it onWho can convene extraordinary general meeting?
Click here to view / answer Share it onHello everyone,
What is the time limit within which Adjudicating Authority may reject the application on Corporate Insolvency Resolution?
Hi Folks!
Whether notice for a period of 5 years is valid even if charge of suppression, fraud and misstatement are not sustained?
Dear All,
Anyone has a proper draft format of authority letter required to open an escrow account of the company/Firm.
As per Rule 6 (13) of the Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules, 2016, any amount required to be credited by the Companies to the Fund (including dividend amount on shares transferred to IEPF Authority) shall be remitted into specified account of IEPF Authority maintained in the Punjab National Bank. How to ensure compliance of the same by crediting the amount of dividend to the account of IEPF Authority? How to obtain bank details of IEPF Authority? '
Click here to view / answer Share it onRBI has rejected NBFC (non-deposit taking) application of an existing Private Limited company. Please let me know can we go for appeal against the order and if yes, who is the appellate Authority.
kindly suggest which authority from whom approval is taken
Click here to view / answer Share it onGood Morning All!
Please tell me can any CGST/SGST authority revise any order passed under the Act by his subordinates?
Any news about NFRA - 1 e-form (Notice to the Authority by a body
corporate regarding its auditor ) as the same is not yet notified.
Q. Curtsy:
When can Adjudicating Authority order liquidation of a Company and who shall act as liquidator?
Click here to view / answer Share it onHello friends, Kindly share a template of letter to be taken by a professional for DIN certification, if available.
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