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    Regarding No. of Board Meetings in FY 20-21

    Posted By : SHALU / Published on : 27-Jan-2022 02:16 PM / View : 1383 / Comment : 0

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    Dear Members,

    Please reply on below mentioned query:

    As per section 173 of the Companies Act, 2013, every company shall hold a minimum number of four meetings of its Board of Directors every year in such a manner that not more than 120 days shall intervene between two consecutive meetings of the Board.

    Further in terms of General Circular No.11/2020 dated 24/03/2020, MCA due to Covid-19 outbreak have relaxed the mandatory requirement of holding meetings of the Board of the companies within the intervals provided in section 173 of the Companies Act, 2013 (CA-13) (120 days) stands extended by a period of 60 days till next two quarters i.e., till 30th September. Accordingly, as a one- time relaxation the gap between two consecutive meetings of the Board may extend to 180 days till the next two quarters, instead of 120 days as required in the CA-13.

    Now, please reply that a private limited company (not small company) can hold 3 board meetings instead of 4 in FY 20-21.

    1 board meeting for quarter Apr-Jun & Jul-Sep within time gap of 180 days from last board meeting in quarter Jan-Mar and other 2 board meetings in quarter Oct-Dec & Jan-Mar
    it has to convene 4 board meetings in the FY 20-21.

    I request you to please reply at the earliest.
    Read more on : meetings board regarding

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