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    Waiver of creditors meeting - affidavit - signing by WTD, without Board resolution

    Posted By : CS Gaurav / Published on : 12-Oct-2017 11:19 PM / View : 1435 / Comment : 0

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    Dear All, One of our creditor is merging with their own group company. they are asking for an affidavit to present to CLB which states the resolution in which the director is authorised to sign. such affidavit is in according to section 230(9) of the companies act 2013( to dispense with the creditors meeting for the merger) We just finished our Board meeting and the next is only 3 months after. My querries are: 1. Can the Whole time director of the company (as authorised by the articles of the company) sign the affidavit without giving the resolution. 2. Can it be done by circular resolution. please reply kind of urgent. Thanks all.
    Read more on : without board resolution signing affidavit creditors meeting waiver

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