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    An illiterate person can be a subscriber to MOA ?

    Posted By : CS Shiriti / Published on : 26-Jul-2022 07:41 AM / View : 1175 / Comment : 3

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    An illiterate person wants to become a subscriber, how can he sign as a subscriber to the Memorandum of Association?
    Read more on : subscriber person illiterate

    • Dear Member,

      If the subscriber is illiterate, he/she can affix his/her thumb impression or mark and another person is required to describe the impression of mark writing for him and sign below the thumb impression of mark and such person also read and explain the content of MOA and AOA to the subscriber.

      27-07-2022 / 04:47:30 AM
    • Yes, an illiterate person can be a subscriber to the Memorandum of Association (MOA) of a company. There is no legal requirement for a subscriber to be literate. However, the subscriber must be capable of understanding the contents of the MOA and must sign the MOA in the presence of at least one witness who must attest to the signature of the subscriber.

      If the subscriber is unable to read the MOA, it is recommended that the MOA be read out to the subscriber in a language that the subscriber understands, and the subscriber's consent to the terms of the MOA be obtained before signing. Additionally, the witness must confirm that the subscriber has signed the MOA in their presence.

      It is also important to note that in case of any legal disputes, the subscriber will be bound by the terms of the MOA, whether or not they were able to read and understand the contents of the document.

      04-04-2023 / 08:34:58 AM
    • How about learning vocabulary and having fun while playing Wordle? I think you will enjoy it.

      19-08-2024 / 07:11:19 AM
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