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    If having Website, Mandatory Disclosures as per Companies Act 2013

    Posted By : CS Shiriti / Published on : 17-Jun-2022 08:42 AM / View : 488 / Comment : 0

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    I have seen , Many company are showing their website on letter head but not doing the compliances related disclosures on website which is mandatory such as :

    Website address on all its official publications like business letter heads, billheads, and notices and other documents etc.

    -The notice of “Change of objects for which money is raised through prospectus” under Rule 32 shall be published on the website;

    -Details of Annual Return; (Important to note generally applicable on Companies )

    -Details of Vigil Mechanism;

    -CSR and Company’s policy on director’s appointment and remuneration;

    -Terms and Conditions of the Independent Director;

    -Closure of register of members or debenture holders;

    -Notice of General Meeting including AGM;(Important to note generally applicable on Companies )

    -Notice of Voting through electronic means;

    -Notice of Postal Ballot;

    -Special Notice, if any;

    -Striking Off of the name of the company details; (Important to note generally applicable on Companies )

    -Unpaid Dividend Details;

    -Invitation of Deposits;

    -Resignation of Director details, if any. (Important to note generally applicable on Companies )

    As per Section 450 of the Companies Act of 2013, the penalty for non-compliance by the company or any officer of the company who defaults to any of the Act’s provisions will be Rs 10,000.

    For continuing contravention, it will be a further fine of Rs 1,000 for every day of default. This will apply to the default of non-disclosure, a company must take care of publishing all relevant information on the website.

    Can anyone suggest if any company having website but not active or able to control like no full time IT Professional for assisting website, then in that case also its applicable ?
    Read more on : companies disclosures mandatory website having

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