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    Query in Respect of Section 8 Company

    Posted By : SARIKA / Published on : 25-Mar-2022 11:40 AM / View : 663 / Comment : 1

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    Dear Members,

    Please clarify the following query in respect of section 8 company"

    1. INC-14 declaration by professionals : has to be in practice, It can be signed by PCA OR PCS ?

    2.INC-15 Declaration by person named in articles. it has to be signed by directors

    does these both above mentioned forms have to be on stamp paper it can be on plain white paper?

    3. 3 years projected income & expenditure & statement of assets & liabilities -format which is specailly made for section 8 company.
    Read more on : company section respect query

    • Dear Member,


      1. the declaration as given in Form No.INC.14 by an Advocate, a Chartered accountant, Cost Accountant or Company Secretary in Practice, that the memorandum and articles of association have been drawn up in conformity with the provisions of section 8 and rules made thereunder... (under rule 20 (2)(b)

      The language of the law is clear, Form INC-14 can be signed by any professional who is into practice.

      2. a declaration by each of the persons making the application in Form No.INC.15

      Declaration under INC-15 is required to be made by the directors.


      Form INC 14 and 15 are not required to be printed on stamp paper.

      Plain paper will suffice the purpose.

      29-03-2022 / 06:31:21 AM
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